2007: Friends in High Places

2007 has been a banner year for the ICBIE: courses are thriving, cultural activities are growing bigger and bigger, many new friends have joined our team of supporters, and fund-raising has increased. We are very grateful for all the time, hard work and yes, money, that people have given to the Institute.

In addition, the ICBIE’s future looks bright, because this year we’ve made important contacts with some very powerful people. Here is a summary:

1) The Italian ambassador in Brazil, Michele Valensise

Italian Ambassador Michele Valensise

2) The Italian General Consul in Brazil, Massimino Bellelli, and 3) the Italian Consul in Salvador, Giovanni Pisanu

Massimino Bellelli, Italian General Consul in BrazilGiovanni Pisanu & Captain Righi

4) The Governor of the State of Bahia, Jacques Wagner

Jacques Wagner, Governor of the State of Bahia

5) The Mayor of Salvador, João Henrique

Pietro & Joao Henrique, Mayor of Salvador

Congratulations to ICBIE President Pietro Gallina for his splendid diplomatic ability and his unflagging efforts to promote our mission.

And we wish all our friends a happy, healthy and prosperous 2008!

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