Street Art for the Iemanjá Festival

Iemanjá Art

It took the upcoming Festa de Iemanjá (Feb. 2) to get our friend Paranaguá out of hiding, with this fine new article about Salvador Street Art, and we thank him heartily. (English translation below.)

Festa de Iemanjá: Vitrine para artistas plásticos e grafiteiros

As obras de artes expostas ao ar livre nas imediações do Largo de Santana, no Rio Vermelho, como a  renovação de uma pintura de Iemanjá do artista plástico Leonel Mattos, esculturas em fibra de vidro de um cão em preto e branco, ferro e madeira de Bel Borba e animais marinhos com material reciclado de André Fernandes, fixados no alambrado do campo de futebol, além de grafites assinados por Thito Lama, Eder Muniz, entre outros artistas presentes, embelezam o cenário para a festa de Iemanjá, tornando-se um grande atrativo para os moradores, fiéis (religiosos e adeptos do candomblé) e turistas.

Iemanjá Art
Festa de Iemanjá: Showcase for plastic artists and graffiti

The outdoor artworks in the vicinity of Largo de Santana in Rio Vermelho, such as the renovation of a picture of Iemanjá by the plastic artist Leonel Mattos, sculptures in fiberglass of a black and white dog, the iron and wood of Bel Borba and marine animals with recycled materials by André Fernandes, attached to the fence of a football pitch, as well as graffiti art signed by Thito Lama, Eder Muniz and other artists, decorate the scenery for the Festa de Iamanjá, adding another attraction for the residents, the faithful (religious people and adepts of condomblé) and tourists.

Iemanjá Art Iemanjá Art

Iemanjá Art Iemanjá Art

Iemanjá Art

Iemanjá Art Iemanjá Art

Iemanjá Art

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