Reaching out to the Needy

Baby in Orphanage

Although the ICBIE faces constant challenges to make ends meet, we know how lucky we are, considering the conditions in our neighborhood. For example, just a few blocks away, on Rua Marques de Santo Amaro, is the Minha Vó Flor orphanage, where fifty small children live in a crowded and decrepit building. Founded in 1997 by Florenice Gomes Macêdo, the orphanage struggles to survive: the rent is expensive, and it continues to rise, while government support is insufficient. As a result, even routine maintenance has to be postponed, month after month, because there is no money. For the last two years, the ICBIE has worked hard to help them, led by one of our original supporters, Yvonne Fluckiger Righi, who has become a true activist for their cause, raising funds in Italy and Switzerland. Our dream is to help Minha Vó Flor to purchase their building, because it would free them from paying so much of their available funds for rent.


The ICBIE has also enlisted its other supporters to help them, and an elementary school in Casltelboglione (Asti) and the American Overseas School of Rome have provided them with funds, with Minha Vó Flor’s children participating in AOSR’s self-portrait project (see sidebar).

Last month, Yvonne located a wealthy lady in Switzerland, who, though the ICBIE, made a R$7000 contribution to Minha Vó Flor, and some significant renovation can begin.  The photos below show the current, sad state of the home where fifty children live!

Orphanage SofaOrphanage Floors

Orphanage WallsPietro & Director of Orphanage


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