Time Out for English

Mary Overby’s English Class


(English translation below)

Ontem 26 de agosto, foi “finalizado” com muita alegria o curso de inglês monitorado pela professora americana Mary Overby, que viaja para a Europa e ficará ausente por algum tempo.

Entretanto, seus fies alunos continuarão vindo ao Instituto, todas as quintas-feiras de setembro, para assistirem a filmes em inglês, somente para não perderem o contato com a língua durante a sua ausência.

No ultimo dia de aula, foram feitos diversos jogos e brincadeiras com os alunos sobre os assuntos discutidos e debatidos durante as aulas.

Logo após os jogos, todos os alunos foram à sala do Hapkido, onde puderam conversar mais informalmente e degustar um delicioso bolo acompanhado de boa musica. Eram presentes além da família ICBIE e dos alunos do curso, a filha de Mary e as voluntarias americanas, Ayla, Jaclyn, Tenisha e Tisita do “Manhattanville College” de Nova York, que colaboraram com Mary nessas ultimas três semanas de curso.

Está previsto para o mês de outubro a chegada de uma professora americana, Miriam Murphy, que dará continuidade didática ao trabalho de Mary, por mais dois meses. Todos os alunos estão muito ansiosos para conhecê-la, e já estão aguardando o retorno de Mary.


Mary Overby’s English Class Mary Overby’s English Class

Mary Overby’s English Class Mary Overby’s English Class

Mary Overby’s English Class Mary Overby’s English Class

Mary Overby’s English Class

Mary Overby’s English Class Mary Overby’s English Class

Mary Overby’s English Class Mary Overby’s English Class


On the 26th of August, the English class adjurned, due to the fact that our American professor Mary Overby is going to Europe and will be absent for quite awhile.

In the meantime, her faithful students will continue to frequent the Institute every Thursday during September, to view English language films, in order to keep the language fresh during her absence.

During the last day of class, we played some games and joked around with the concepts that we had discussed and debated in class.

After that fun, all the students went into the Hapkido room, where they could chat more informally, while tasting a delicious cake and listening to some good music.  We were joined by the whole ICBIE family and students, Mary’s daughter and the American volunteers, Ayla, Jaclyn, Tenisha and Tisita from “Manhattanville College” in New York, who had collaborated with Mary during these last three weeks of the course.

Starting in October, another American teacher, Miriam Murphy, will provide didactic continuity to Mary’s work, for two months.  All the students are really anxious to meet her, and they are also ready to patiently await Mary’s return.


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