A Busy Day

Julio Making T-Shirts

Last Wednesday was one of those days without a single dull moment.  First thing in the morning, Julio was busy making new ICBIE t-shirts (which are already being distributed to our friends in Michigan).

New ICBIE T-shirts

Before he was finished, our friend Phillip Wagner arrived with a crew, to shoot scenes of ICBIE activities for a promotional video for his organization, Rhythm of Hope.  Julio was called upon to make an extemporaneous wall painting and describe to them his philosophy of community street art.

Phillip & Co. watch Julio at work Julio painting for Phillip

As soon as Julio finished, the pasta went into the boiling water, and Pietro and Lu served our guests another sumptuous lunch.

Lu & Pietro serve the salad

As soon as the Rhythm of Hope people left, it was time to take a long bike ride with Julio through Massaranduba to meet up with Bigod and a dozen other graffiti artists, who were busy painting a very long wall, decorating the drab neighborhood with their dazzling display of virtuosity and color, while the locals watched and commented enthusiastically.

Massaranduba art Massaranduba art

Massaranduba art Massaranduba artMassaranduba art

Julio in Massaranduba

Mark’s art in Massaranduba Massaranduba art

Bigod did another of his magisterial frog paintings, and his beautiful son Ikaro added the final touches.

Bigod’s New Frog in Massaranduba

Ikaro in Massaranduba Ikaro and Daddy

By the time the painters had finished, it was dark.  Just enough time to bike home and hit the “theater” bar.  (If you want to see what goes on there, you have to come to Ribeira!)

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