New ICBIE Cineforum

Cineform Poster Nov07

After the successful film cycle that was presented last July and August, Pietro has assembled a new series.  This time the subject is The Masters of  Italian Cinema, and it is intended primarily for our many Italian students, as the films will be shown in the original language, without subtitles in Portuguese.  The cycle will present representative films by the giant directors of Italian cinematography, covering half a century, from Rossellini in 1945 to Troisi in 1994, the golden years of Cinecittà.  As usual, each film will be introduced by Professor Gallina.  There will be no charge for admission, and the whole local community is invited to attend.

This cycle, and the next one, which will feature films with subtitles, have been made possible thanks to a generous donation by our dear friend Mary Norris in New York, who, you may remember, already provided the popcorn for the first cycle.

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