ICBIE Cineforum Tonight: “O Cangaceiro”

Tonight’s film, the second in this month’s series dedicated to Brazilian cinema, is a landmark that was premiered at Cannes in 1953.  Set in the wild “sertão at the beginning of the twentieth century, O Cangaceiro shows its debt to Hollywood westerns, with a classic plot where a bandit falls in love with a small town school teacher, but the film is saved by director Vitor de Lima Barreto, who packed it full of wonderful music, including ‘Mulher Rendeira,’ which became a global evergreen, and, even more, a splendid song by Zé do Norte, ‘Sodade Meu Bem Sodade,’ sung by the young Vanja Orico.  That alone would merit the price of admission, except that the ICBIE Cineforum is FREE!

Cineforum O cangaceiro

O ICBIE, juntamente com a SECULT, através do Projeto Leitura, Arte e Inclusão Digital na Cidade Baixa, gostaria de convidá-lo para a exibição de mais um filme do nosso Cineforum no mês de maio

Filme:    O Cangaceiro     Direção:    Lima Barreto
Local, data e horário:   Sede do ICBIE, 14 de maio, sexta-feira, pontualmente às 18h30.

Entrada franca!!!

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