Bahian Invasion at the AOSR Mayfair

Julio, Klebert & Thais

For the fourth consecutive year, the Mayfair at the American Overseas School of Rome hosted a table for Bridge to Bahia, the school’s community service project that helps the ICBIE.  Four AOSR teachers, Roy, Rosa, Daniele and Louise, passed out brochures and recounted their first-hand experiences, while Louise, in particular, used her charm to keep coins and folding money flowing into the donations box.  With the arrival of three bona fide Bahians, Julio, Thais and Klebert, in great form even after the late night in Garbatella, the afternoon began to feel like a family reunion, full of embraces and nostalgia.   We also enjoyed seeing Sabika, another dear friend with “the Ribeira experience” in her blood.

Above all, it was great to see how our communities keep growing their bonds and deepening the friendships.

Thais & Julio Louise & Julio

Julio & Daniele Sabika, Julio & Daniele


Thais & Sabika

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