Rome’s tribute to the ICBIE couldn’t have gone better! It was a perfect warm and balmy night, the Factory was a great location that allowed us to make as much noise as we wanted late into the night, the music was terrific and a huge crowd of 700 people turned up. By the end of the evening, the donations box was stuffed with over 2000 Euros, and after expenses, half of that will go directly to the ICBIE. It was wonderful to see all the old friends and new faces. Pietro arrived straight from Brazil, together with two city officials from Salvador, while Julio and Bigode did a great job on a large mural that they painted, despite the scant illumination and the huge crowd that was watching them.
Rosalia de Souza dished up a spicy mix of bossa nova classics that had the crowd swaying in delight. We are so grateful to her for her generous performance, wedged into a very busy schedule of appearances. Then all alone, Riccardo Sinigallia gave an intense set of his songs, and the night warmed up.
The Trio for Bahia, composed of the fine jazzmen Francesco Forni on guitar, Filippo Gatti on bass and Ivo Parlato on drums played on and on, with vitality and verve, also backing Lucariello, who is well known to Italian fans as a member of the band, Almamegretta.
There was even time for a rousing Capoeira performance by the Gruppo Soluna, and the whole crowd pressed tight in a big circle as the congas and berimbaus worked their magic of the twirling arms and legs of the sparring dancers. Even though it was after 1 o’clock in the morning, no one wanted to go home, so musicians took the stage and jammed on.
Julio’s contribution to the Factory mural.
Bigode’s enigmatic contribution. (A Bahian Conan the Barbarian?)
For more photos, click here.
Truly a night to remember! And special kudos to the great team of ICBIE supporters who did such a fantastic job in putting it all together: Anna Foglietta, David Angelelli, Monica Bernardi, Paolo Mauriello, Marcella Sgura, Marco Raganella, Loona Tirabassi, Elena Ritondali, Chiara Giusto, Ivan Prado Longhi, Livio Ciappetta, Luigi Maiello, and Pina Madonna (if I forgot someone, forgive me!). In the course of an exhilarating series of emails—more than a hundred—, they came up with the ideas, made the contacts, designed the publicity poster and organized the strategies for plastering it all over the city. They forged a new level of cooperation between the ICBIE and the Rome city government, and championed the ICBIE cause with the Brazilian Embassy (which responded enthusiastically). Thanks to them, ICBIE’s fame continues to grow in the Eternal City… more on that tomorrow!
2 respostas para “ICBIE’s Big Roman Bash!”
Evviva! Oggi, tutti dormono?
Ciao a tuttti. Posso dire che c’ero, c’ero anche io!!!
Dopo la piacevole scoperta dell’ICBIE a Salvador devo ammettere che è stata un’altrettanto picacevolissima sorpresa scoprire l’ICBIE in Italia. Anche qui si muove un gruppo nutrito di gente entusiasta e che crede nel lavoro dell’ICBIE. E per questo riesce ad organizzare eventi come quello del 3 ottobre e per questo si mobilita affinchè Julio e Bigode e tutti gli ospiti che arrivano ed arriveranno da Salvador si sentano a casa propria anche in Italia e possano partecipare ad eventi come il Bahia Festival di Bassano o la festa del 5.
E’ importante per chi lavora a Salvador sapere di essere sostenuti anche qui dall’Italia e credo che tale supporto, visto i risultati di queste ultime (solo in ordine di tempo) attività, non possa far altro che crescere e rafforzarsi ogni giorno di più!!
Forza allora, rimbocchiamoci le maniche che c’è sempre qualcosa da fare, da organizzare, da inventare!!!!
Con entusiasmo