ICBIE on the Beach – The Beat Goes On

Thanks to our faithful Roberto, here are some great photos of the fourth ICBIE night on the beach, which took place last Saturday night (July 24th) at the Porto di Enea, Capocotta, where the Escola de Samba Roma-Rio turned out to be a real revelation, giving a rousing performance that had everybody on their feet.

We didn’t make a lot of money during these evenings, but we were happy to provide an opportunity for our supporters to get together.  We made plenty of new friends and spread the ICBIE gospel.

And there’s MORE!

It just so happens that our favorite musician in Salvador is coming to Rome next week with his band!  Fred Menendez has already been to Italy, as he has performed at the famous Busker’s Festival in Ferrara, and he’s back to do it again.  But while he’s in Rome, we’ve organized two concerts for him, on Saturday and Sunday, August 8th and 9th.

More details will be coming soon, but Sunday’s concert is particularly interesting, because it will be part of a big city-sponsored event, the Noche de Roma (http://www.nochederoma.com). Stay tuned!


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