A Shindig in the Country

 Arrasta pé em Sapé

(English translation below)

Sapeaçu Party

Muita animação, num clima de festejos juninos, no último domingo (21) na residência do assessor e coordenador do Projeto Grafita da Prefeitura Municipal de Salvador, Evandro Castro “Tucunaré”, na cidade de Sapeaçu (BA). Amendoim, salgado, licor, laranja, cerveja bem gelada não faltaram, e os familiares, jovens e convidados, inclusive os amigos recém chegados da Itália Greta Salavolti e Stefano Piccinini da Arci Solitarietà de Reggio Emilia e Davide Diacci de Modena, caíram no ritmo das músicas do forró. A galera, além de participar da quadrilha animada por Wilma, ainda saboreou os deliciosos pratos de dona Neuza, mãe do anfitrião.


Sapeaçu Party

Sapeaçu Party Sapeaçu Party

Sapeaçu Party Sapeaçu Party

Sapeaçu Party

It’s the time of the June holidays, and in the Bahian city of Sapeaçu there was plenty of excitement last Sunday (the 21st) at the home of Evandro Castro “Tucunaré,” the Salvador city council member and coordinator of the Grafita Project.  There were plenty of salt peanuts, liqueurs, oranges, and ice cold beer for the youths, family and friends, including Greta Salavolti and Stefano Piccinini, who had recently arrived from Italy, visiting the ICBIE from ARCI Solidarietà in Reggio Emilia, and Davide Diacci from Modena.   Everyone immediately fell into the rhythm of the forrò music.  They crowded together to participate in Wilma’s animated quadrilles and then gobbled up the delicious dishes of Dona Neuza, the hostess.


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