Tackling Environmental Issues

One of the beauties of the ICBIE lecture series (which is supported by the City of Salvador, as part of its Project for Reading, Art and Digital Inclusion) is that it permits us to showcase the special talents of our wonderful staff. On Saturday, September 4th at 5 PM, it will be Marcella’s turn.  So, finally, after all her precious work at the ICBIE, which includes every aspect of administration, as well as teaching Italian classes, she will be able to show her true talents.  In fact, Marcella is a bona fide environmentalist, and now she can share her knowledge with our community.

The subject of her presentation will be The Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, and it will concentrate on the things we use every day, in order to focus our attention on the importance of natural resources in keeping the environment in equilibrium.  The objective is to instill a sense of necessity in the minds of the participants, to preserve the environment and its resources through recycling, sustainable use and re-utilization.

Her lecture will include lively interludes presented by the Little Theater Company of the ICBIE.

Marcella Lecture

O ICBIE em parceria com a SECULT, através do Projeto “Leitura, Arte e Inclusão Digital na Cidade Baixa”, tem o prazer de convidá-lo para mais uma palestra temática, que se fará realizar no dia 04 de setembro, sábado, às 17h na Sede do Instituto.

Palestra tem como tema:   O Uso Sustentável dos Recursos Naturais

Na palestra serão debatidos temas sobre a origem das coisas que estamos acostumados a usar no dia dia, para focar a atenção sobre os recursos naturais e a sua importância no equilíbrio do meio ambiente. O objetivo é de conscientizar os participantes da necessidade de preservar o meio ambiente e seus recursos através da reciclagem, do uso sustentavel, e do reaproveitamento.

Palestrante: Marcella Sgura – Ambientalista

Com participação da Piccola Cia de Teatro ICBIE

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