The Best Publicity

ICBIE Article on the Rhythm of Hope Blog

It’s always great when old friends say nice things about you, but when the praise comes from Felipe do Brazil, it’s even better.  Phillip Wagner, the founder of Rhythm of Hope (, found us three years ago, and since then, he has constantly cooked up new ways to help us.  First, he violently prodded us until we completed the 24-page application to Engineers without Borders, to realize our dream of an ICBIE theater.  EWB accepted our project and thanks the indefatigable team from Howard University, that is moving forward.  Then he sent us two very different volunteers that he mentored and chose for us:  Celeste Chia, who, with her friend Veronique, brought us their precious (and our sorely lacking) business skills, in an ongoing collaboration that only gets better and better, and Claire Bertaud, who taught English for us in 2008 and, though far away at university in England, has remained loyally attached to the ICBIE and our community.

Now Phillip has featured us in his blog, with a beautiful article that makes us blush from the start to the finish.

Muito obrigado, Felipe!

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