Steve and Renate Arrive from Germany

Dinner for Steve and Renate

(English translation below)

Na última quinta-feira (1º), os anfitriões Pietro Gallina e Marlene Souza, receberam os amigos para um jantar com o casal Steve Whitton e a artista plástica Renate Kuby da Lahn Artists e representantes do ICBIE, acompanhado por Carina Dammelmeyer, recém-chegados de Limburg, Alemanha.

Antes do jantar, fizemos um brinde aos nossos queridos amigos, desejando-lhes uma proveitosa estada em Salvador. Aproveitando o clima, Renate presenteou Pietro com uma tela pintada por ela, representando uma figura africana. Em seguida, foram servidos os deliciosos pratos feitos sob a batuta de Pietro e da badaladíssima Lucidalva, carinhosamente chamada de Lu do ICBIE, com lasanha recheada de abóbora, peixe de escabeche e grelhado ao forno e berinjela fatiada com pedaçinhos de tomate e molho de alho, regado com um excelente vinho branco e tinto do Chile e da Região Gaúcha.

Durante o encontro foram discutidos detalhes do evento “Derrubada do muro de Berlim e outros muros”, com início programado para o final deste mês, Projeto Oficina de Rua, dentre outros, além da viagem de Pietro, que embarcou hoje à tarde com destino a Recife, seguindo depois para Nova Iorque, para de tratar de assuntos ligados a instituição.

Estiveram presentes: Marcella Sgura, Edvandro “Tucunaré”, Shirley e Paranaguá, Thaís Muniz e Júlio Costa, Rosa Spataro, Ricardo Gramosa e Thito Lama.


Dinner for Steve and Renate

Dinner for Steve and Renate

Dinner for Steve and Renate

Pietro admires Renate’s painting

Last Thursday (October 1st), the hosts Pietro Gallina and Marlene Souza received their friends for a dinner with a couple of ICBIE representatives, Steve Whitton and the plastic artist Renate Kuby from Lahn Artists, accompanied by Carina Dammelmeyer, who had recently arrived from Limburg, Germany.

Before the meal, we made a toast to our dear friends, wishing them a rewarding visit to Salvador.  Taking advantage of the happy atmosphere, Renate presented Pietro with a painting she had made, representing an African figure.  Then came the servings of delicious dishes prepared by Pietro and the joyous Lucidalva, who is simply called Lu by everyone at the ICBIE,  with lasagna filled with pumpkin, oven-grilled marinaded fish and eggplant with chopped tomatoes and garlic paste, accompanied by excellent red and white wines from Chile and Região Gaúcha.

During the get-together, the conversation included a discussion of the details regarding the event “The Fall of the Berlin Wall and Other Walls,” which will begin at the end of this month, the Oficina de Rua Project, and, among other things, Pietro’s trip, as he is leaving this evening for Recife, on his way to New York, where he will be doing various business for the Institute.

The guests were: Marcella Sgura, Edvandro “Tucunaré”, Shirley and Paranaguá, Thaís Muniz and Júlio Costa, Rosa Spataro, Ricardo Gramosa and Thito Lama.


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